Want a Free Short Story?

Looking for a really quick little read? How about a free short story?

The Legends of The Link novellas revolve around Adelaide, Darius and their friends, but this motley crew isn’t the only one with stories to share from Olympic Vista!

As a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter, I’ll send you a free copy of Snow Day, an Olympic Vista Chronicles short story set in the same small, fictional town of Olympic Vista.

Snow Day
An illness brings Sarah and Marcy, two friends who usually only see each other in the summer, together on a snowy day.  The girls reminisce about the blizzard that disrupted the town of Olympic Vista on a midsummer day and conspire to have one final adventure.

After that, you’ll get an email every 4-6 weeks with information on upcoming releases, behind the scenes info, and short stories. You can unsubscribe at any time, and I promise to never sell or giveaway your information.

If you haven’t read Yesterday’s Gone, book one in the Olympic Vista Chronicles, you can find chapter one for free on my website.